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The Same Hallucination

Cody attends the wake of an older friend who meant the world to him. As Cody rolls up in his wheelchair, the most extraordinary things begin to occur.


Character Bios


Cody is paraplegic with a high emotional intelligence. He's close with his family. Isn’t quite sure he believes in all those miracles described in the New Testament. Then, his pastor Mark dies and mysterious things start happening.


Marie is Cody’s mom. She's very attentive and loving. She isn’t sure what to make of Cody’s mysterious sightings until she starts seeing things for herself.


Jeff is Cody’s dad. He wants the best for his son, but isn’t sure Cody should be telling others about all the mysterious things he’s been seeing.


Strange apparitions who confront and question Jeff and Marie about what Cody is doing and seeing. Is it real? A dream? A hallucination?


Cody is paraplegic with a high emotional intelligence. He's close with his family. Isn’t quite sure he believes in all those miracles described in the New Testament. Then, his pastor Mark dies and mysterious things start happening.


Marie is Cody’s mom. She's very attentive and loving. She isn’t sure what to make of Cody’s mysterious sightings until she starts seeing things for herself.


Jeff is Cody’s dad. He wants the best for his son, but isn’t sure Cody should be telling others about all the mysterious things he’s been seeing.


Strange apparitions who confront and question Jeff and Marie about what Cody is doing and seeing. Is it real? A dream? A hallucination?

Go Deeper


Darkroom Faith Podcast

Join us on the Darkroom podcast as we discuss the Supernatural aspects of God, and why Christians think Jesus is God.


Falling Plates


A short film about life, death, & love of a savior.


Sacrifice & Atonement

The Bible Project

What's the deal with animal sacrifice in the Bible? This is a rich ancient symbol that points to God's atoning love for his people.


The Resurrection of Jesus

The Bible Project

Jesus' death was not the end of the story. See the epic conclusion of Luke's account of Jesus' life and mission on Earth.


Who Did Jesus Think He Was?

Reasonable Faith

Ever since the Christian movement began, followers of Jesus Christ have said he was God ... in human form. But what about Jesus himself? Who did he think he was?


Bodily Resurrection of Jesus

The Gospel Coalition

The claim of the bodily resurrection of Jesus is central to the Christian message as the cornerstone of all claims to divinity and salvific efficacy, and although it has been hotly contested by those with naturalist presuppositions, the historical data supports the Christian claim of the resurrection.

10 minutes

Facts Surrounding the Resurrection

Reasonable Faith

Did Jesus rise from the dead? Three main facts are explored in this video: The discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb ... the appearances of Jesus alive after his death...and the disciples’ belief... that Jesus rose from the dead.


Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

Reasonable Faith

Part 2 of a short video investigating the facts and claims around the Resurrection of Jesus.


Film Stills

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