Science vs. Religion
Explore God
Are science and faith mutually exclusive or can they coexist? James Choung explores the realms of religion and science and whether or not they are contradictory.
Science vs. Religion
Explore God
Are science and faith mutually exclusive or can they coexist? James Choung explores the realms of religion and science and whether or not they are contradictory.
The Kalam Cosmological Argument
Reasonable Faith
Reasonable Faith features the work of Dr. William Lane Craig and aims to provide an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today.
The Faith of Unbelief
Explore God
Does believing in science require just as much faith as religion? Corey Widmer explores how it takes faith not only to believe in God, but also to not believe in Him.
History vs. Science
Undeceptions Podcast
History and Science are different disciplines that address different questions.
Will Science Disprove God?
Impact 360
Once upon a time, when people couldn’t explain why things happen, they would just say “the gods did it.” But what about Christianity? Do people point to things that science cannot yet explain as evidence for God? Do Christians worship a “God of the Gaps”?
Fingerprints and Galaxies
Illustria Media
For 16 years, the Hubble Space Telescope surveyed a pinpoint of outer space previously believed to be relatively empty. When 7500 images were assembled into a mosaic, they discovered at least 265,000 galaxies in an area of sky so small it can be covered by a fingertip held at arm’s length.
Origins of Humanity
Crossway | Rebecca McLaughlin
One of the hot spots in the perceived conflict between science and Christianity is around the question of how human beings came to exist. Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin explores the question, "How did we get here?"
3 minsread
Francis Collins' Testimony
Francis Collins tells the story of his conversion from atheism to faith as a young doctor. As he began a journey looking for evidence of God, he expected only to strengthen his atheism. Instead he encountered Jesus and made the decision to follow him.
My Deconversion
Emma's Kinda Jealous
Travis Doesn't Feel God
Sophie Kills the Vibe
Lara Hates Christians
Max Wants to End It All
DM from God
Things With No Purpose
Roslyn Goes to Therapy
It Felt Good Punching You In the Face
Sadie Wants to Go to Hell
Naomi Gets Whiplash
The Same Hallucination
My Deconversion
Emma's Kinda Jealous
Travis Doesn't Feel God
Sophie Kills the Vibe
Lara Hates Christians
Max Wants to End It All
DM from God
Things With No Purpose
Roslyn Goes to Therapy
It Felt Good Punching You In the Face
Sadie Wants to Go to Hell
Naomi Gets Whiplash
The Same Hallucination