Suffering and Evil
Reasonable Faith
Reasonable Faith, based on the works of theologian Dr. William Lane Craig, delves deeper into the assertion, "It's logically impossible for God and suffering to both exist."
Suffering and Evil
Reasonable Faith
Reasonable Faith, based on the works of theologian Dr. William Lane Craig, delves deeper into the assertion, "It's logically impossible for God and suffering to both exist."
God and Suffering
Prager U
How can "suffering" exist without an objective standard against which to judge it? Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, presents the case that if justice exists, God exists.
Hope in Darkness
Mary Jo Sharp
Mary Jo Sharp, assistant professor of apologetics at Houston Baptist University and Director of Content for Darkroom Faith, discusses how the hope found in the resurrection of Christ can be our guiding light in the face of evil.
Suffering with a Christian Worldview
Rebecca McLaughlin
Rebecca McLaughlin examines the story of Mary and Martha as an entry point to the Biblical theology of suffering.
2 minsread
Max Wants to End it All
Darkroom Faith Podcast
In Episode 7 of the Darkroom series, we talk about the problem of Suffering. How can a good God allow so much evil and suffering? Does He even care about us?
Enduring Trials
The Gospel Coalition
Jeremy Linneman discusses how his whole mindset changed toward pain and suffering after a particularly difficult and long season of depression and chronic illness.
4 minsread
Blessing and Curse
The Bible Project
Trace the theme of blessing and curse in the Bible to see how Jesus defeats the curse and restores the blessing of life to creation.
The Hiddenness of God
Timothy Keller: Gospel in Life Podcast
In the story of Joseph, we learn how to get perspective on the bad things that have happened in our lives. In this first chapter of Joseph’s life, we see three things: 1) The hidden depths of sin; 2) The hidden purposes of God; and 3) The hidden patterns of grace.
46 minuteslisten
My Deconversion
Emma's Kinda Jealous
Travis Doesn't Feel God
Sophie Kills the Vibe
I Guess I'm An Atheist
Lara Hates Christians
DM from God
Things With No Purpose
Roslyn Goes to Therapy
It Felt Good Punching You In the Face
Sadie Wants to Go to Hell
Naomi Gets Whiplash
The Same Hallucination
My Deconversion
Emma's Kinda Jealous
Travis Doesn't Feel God
Sophie Kills the Vibe
I Guess I'm An Atheist
Lara Hates Christians
DM from God
Things With No Purpose
Roslyn Goes to Therapy
It Felt Good Punching You In the Face
Sadie Wants to Go to Hell
Naomi Gets Whiplash
The Same Hallucination