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It Felt Good Punching You In the Face

Homecoming is so messed up. Reality hits Camilla and her friends in the face as they realize how unfair the world really is.


Character Bios


Camilla is well-liked at school. She's funny but tough. She has little brothers and knows how to stand up for herself.


JP's a friendly, likeable guy who is popular for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, from time to time, his good nature gets him in trouble. When his Homecoming date punches him in the face, he starts to realize that being a man is more than what you see in the movies.


Julia's a rule follower. She would be the last person to do something wrong at school. But she gets accused of doing something wrong at the dance and now her entire (carefully curated) reputation is at stake.


He retired early from a corporate job to become the local high school janitor. He's really wise, caring, and has a lot of things to say – especially about issues concerning justice and equality.


Camilla is well-liked at school. She's funny but tough. She has little brothers and knows how to stand up for herself.


JP's a friendly, likeable guy who is popular for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, from time to time, his good nature gets him in trouble. When his Homecoming date punches him in the face, he starts to realize that being a man is more than what you see in the movies.


Julia's a rule follower. She would be the last person to do something wrong at school. But she gets accused of doing something wrong at the dance and now her entire (carefully curated) reputation is at stake.


He retired early from a corporate job to become the local high school janitor. He's really wise, caring, and has a lot of things to say – especially about issues concerning justice and equality.

Go Deeper


Darkroom Faith Podcast

Homecoming is so messed up. Reality hits Camilla and her friends in the face as they realize how unfair the world really is. Join us as we discuss the questions raised in the Justice Darkroom video and the Biblical concept of Justice.


Equal Opportunity?

Different Starting Lines

Moving demonstration of the impact privilege can have on the race we each see before us. Small wonder so many give up without trying.



Bible Project

In the story of the Bible, God is depicted as a generous host who provides for the needs of his guests. However, humans live from a mindset of scarcity and hoard God’s many gifts. In this video on Generosity, we explore God’s plan for overcoming our selfishness by giving the ultimate gift of himself in the person of Jesus.



Bible Project

"Justice" is a felt need in our world today and a controversial topic. But what is justice, exactly, and who gets to define it? In this video, we'll explore the biblical theme of Justice and discover how it's deeply rooted in the story-line of the Bible that leads to Jesus.


Shadow Racism

Church and Culture Blog

James Emery White looks at five areas of our lives where shadow racism can affect our viewpoints, feelings, reactions and choices.

5 minutes

Discard Christianity, Discard Human Equality

Rebecca McLaughlin for Crossway

The idea of human equality, is actually a truth that is sprung out of the Christian faith.

4 minutes

Justice in the Bible

Tim Keller, Gospel in Life

Tim Keller takes a comprehensive look at Biblical justice.

10 minutes

Justice Will Roll Down

Sandra McCracken

Christian singer & songwriter Sandra McCracken performs in this music video.


Film Stills

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