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Roslyn Goes to Therapy

Roslyn really wants to fit in, but forming meaningful relationships has been hard for her. When she expresses her anxiety to her therapist, it dawns on her that maybe she’s underestimating an important relationship that she already has.


Character Bios


Roslyn has moved around a lot. She's super adaptable to new situations. But after her parents get divorced, just “fitting in” doesn’t fill her up like it used to. In a new town (once again) she’d like to find a way to just be herself this time around – and to be genuinely known and loved.


She's wise and non-judgmental. The therapist helps Roslyn to see that finding peace does not always depend on external circumstances changing, but changing one’s perspective on those circumstances.


Hanna's comfortable in her own skin, and isn’t really concerned about fitting in or pleasing others. It takes time for Roslyn to appreciate Hanna’s friendship.


Roslyn has moved around a lot. She's super adaptable to new situations. But after her parents get divorced, just “fitting in” doesn’t fill her up like it used to. In a new town (once again) she’d like to find a way to just be herself this time around – and to be genuinely known and loved.


She's wise and non-judgmental. The therapist helps Roslyn to see that finding peace does not always depend on external circumstances changing, but changing one’s perspective on those circumstances.


Hanna's comfortable in her own skin, and isn’t really concerned about fitting in or pleasing others. It takes time for Roslyn to appreciate Hanna’s friendship.

Go Deeper

Rosalyn Goes to Therapy

Darkroom Faith Podcast

Roslyn really wants to fit in, but forming meaningful relationships has been hard for her. When she expresses her anxiety to her therapist, it dawns on her that maybe she’s underestimating an important relationship that she already has. Join us as we discuss questions of identity and relationship with God and others.


Is There Meaning to Life?

Reasonable Faith

Based on the work of Dr. William Lane Craig, this video explores how belief in God provides the best basis for providing and finding meaning in life.


How Valuable Am I?


Where do you think a person's value comes from?


More Than Your Genes


What does it mean to be human? Science can help us understand how our species came to be but it cannot define our purpose for being. For that we must look beyond science and confront what it means to be made in the image of God.


Becoming Myself

I Am Second

“I didn’t have to change myself, I can just be myself.” Tori Kelly, Singer & Songwriter. Listen to Tori's powerful story of becoming who God intended her to be.


Religion or Relationship?

Explore God

Religion doesn't always reflect the message of knowing God. Ross Parsley discusses the difference between religion and relationship with God.


Does Life Have a Purpose?

Explore God

We all long to find the meaning of life. Does life have a purpose?


Man as the Image of God

Richard Phillips TGC

Central to the Bible’s teaching about mankind is the statement of Genesis 1:27: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him.”

5 mins

Our Identity

Tim Keller

November 11, 2015 • Dr. Tim Keller, academic, pastor, and bestselling author, addresses the Wheaton College community about the Christian alternative to Late Modernity's Story on our identity.


Remind Me Who I Am

Jason Gray

Encouraging music video by Jason Gray performing Remind Me Who I Am. (P) (C) 2011 Centricity Music.


Who Am I?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Poem by the famous 20th century German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer. When we are stripped of everything, perhaps the most fundamental question is not “What can I do?” or “Where can I go?” but “Whose am I?”

3 mins

Who Are You?

Klyne R. Snodgrass for Christianity Today

Who Are You Without Your Props? Why your identity isn’t rooted in possessions and appearances.

5 mins

Film Stills

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