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Lara Hates Christians

Lucía and her friends are disturbed by the Christianity that they see depicted in the media. Is this what Christianity is supposed to look like? She sets out to discover what type of Christian she wants to be and what, if anything, makes Christianity so special.


Character Bios


Lucía's low-key and honest. She was raised in a strict Christian/Catholic home but has close friends from other faith backgrounds. She's confused why they are so loving when other Christians don't seem to act that way.


Lara is loud and confident. She's naturally funny without much effort and has a lot of opinions.

Smart Friend

He's intellectual but humble. He casually drops knowledge in every conversation.


He stops people on the street and asks them questions. He does a backflip if they answer it.


Lucía's low-key and honest. She was raised in a strict Christian/Catholic home but has close friends from other faith backgrounds. She's confused why they are so loving when other Christians don't seem to act that way.


Lara is loud and confident. She's naturally funny without much effort and has a lot of opinions.

Smart Friend

He's intellectual but humble. He casually drops knowledge in every conversation.


He stops people on the street and asks them questions. He does a backflip if they answer it.

Film Stills

 2022/03/SAVVY_Pilot_FINAL.00_04_51_11.Still045_v2.jpg  2022/03/SAVVY_Pilot_FINAL.00_03_50_04.Still043_v2.jpg  2022/03/SAVVY_Pilot_FINAL.00_07_27_15.Still056_v2.jpg  2022/03/SAVVY_Pilot_FINAL.00_01_04_20.Still011_v2.jpg

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